Picardy Hotels

  • Most of the accommodations (66 %) are situated in the Somme department - especially along the Channel coast notably - followed by Oise and Aisne. Chain hotels are more numerous than independent ones and upscale establishments are scarce. In this area, accommodations offering an intermediate level of comfort are favored.
  • However you have to know that the French classification system is based on the number of amenities and doesn’t really take into account elements such as atmosphere or surroundings. As far as guesthouses are concerned, the 3 épis (gites equivalent to stars for hotels) category prevails.

Public surveys show the following cities are among those most appreciated by visitors:
1 Beauvais 2 Pierrefonds
3 Somme Battlefields 4 Chantilly
5 Amiens 6 Baie de Somme
7 Astérix Theme Park 8 ...

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