Paris Ile-de-France Hotels

  • Paris Ile-de-France accounts for 2,341 ranked hotels, amongst which 904 have received 2 stars and 790 3 stars. As the area is very urbanized, only 103 camp sites are to be found. Besides, the region alone represents 26.5% (about 236 hotels) of the national housing stock in terms of 4 star and deluxe hotels.
  • Even if being the 2nd smallest region of Metropolitan France Ile-de-France boasts the biggest hotel stock. It includes the French capital which attracts lots of visitors and accommodations have therefore to match the sustained demand.
  • As far as geographical distribution is concerned, departments of Ile-de-France are unequal since Seine et Marne for instance nestles the Disneyland Paris amusement park and has hence a high number of accommodations; same with Paris which has the most significant offer.
  • On a worldwide scale, the French capital comes first in terms of tourist attractivity; either for business, leisure or simple stopover. Given its popularity, it owes to provide a wide range of accommodation. The compactness is stronger in the 8th, 9th, 10th and 17th arrondissements. Chain hotels account for 45% of the hotel capacity and 3 star hotels are the most represented with 587 establishments, followed by 2 star ones.

Public surveys show the following places are among those most appreciated by visitors:
Jardin des Plantes Jardin des Tuileries
Parc des Buttes-Chaumont Arc de Triomphe
Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre Père-Lachaise cemetery
Le Panthéon La Défense
The Eiffel Tower Montmartre Quarter
Montparnasse Tower

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