Learn French

Why don't you learn some basics of French before you go to visit France? French people will be so pleased to help you manage an everyday conversation, give you tips to improve your French speaking, or suggest some renowned schools and online methods to learn their elegant language!
Many methods do now exist to make French Learning easy and pleasant - even funny sometimes! To avoid reading a repetitive, uninviting textbook with grammar lessons, vocabulary worksheets and complex pronunciation rules, you can choose more modern techniques to learn French online for free, by podcast or using a simple and effective software (which is cheaper anyway than French lessons in a private language institute or school). For those who prefer traditional methods, a myriad of "Learn French" textbooks exists for all levels and abilities. Plus, many of them now include a tape or a CD, and use play exercises so that learning is less boring and tiring. Whether you plan to visit France in the following months or not, learning the French language is actually a good mental exercise. As mentioned in educational websites such as the Ultimate Language Secrets website, the best way to learn efficiently and master a new language is to study and practise it regularly, like 20 minutes per day. Intensive courses and "quick-and-easy" progammes are generally tough and very expensive. You will find here some useful websites that offer modern learning techniques as well as relevant advice: the Auralog process with Tell Me More, Audio courses with Link Word Languages, Quick Memorization with Learn French Program, Online Free lessons with the Is French website, or MP3 Play Exercises with Rosetta Stone's Method.

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