Speak French

French is not only Moliere's and Victor Hugo's mother tongue but it is today a major language for the International Relationships, used as the official language within the United Nations and International Red Cross organisations. As a matter of fact, speaking French or at least, understanding it, is an effective, valuable asset today.
French is commonly considered as being the Literature and Humanities language, a pleasantly sounding language widely used by highbrows! Indeed, the French Grammar and Conjugation are more complex than the English ones but that is what makes French so interesting and sought after. The French language is actually the most taught foreign language in the world after English, and the French-speaking community represents more than 180 million people throughout the 5 continents! Don't be afraid to start studying the French Language! An essential point is to learn first some phrases just to manage an everyday conversation, and to practise your pronunciation. Learning to speak a foreign language like French is actually intellectually worth it; it sharpens your mind and enhances your brain power. Thus, don't hesitate to get some information about the local French courses, private tuitions and conversational classes (using websites with adverts like VivaStreet or the BBC -Languages section for example) that may enable you to make progress. Practising and speaking are indeed the mainstays of a good learning. When learning how to speak French, the most effective way is to get in touch with native French speakers; most online programmes for English people indeed include conversations and/ or mailings with French tutors, to make sure that a genuine, idiomatic French language will be taught. Another way to improve your spoken English is to go on linguistic holidays in France and benefit from summer classes or 3-month learning programmes proposed by many French colleges and institutes. If you fancy a trip to Lyon, the ESL School website for example, or if you look for a sunny place, try French Schools in Nice with BonjourDeFrance.com!

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