Pâques, French Easter Day

The French Easter Day called "Paques" is one of children's favourite bank holidays of the year! From ringing bells to chocolates and sweets, Sunday and Monday Easter public holidays are probably the second most magical - and gourmet - bank holidays in France after Christmas.
Easter is widely celebrated in France - by kids as well as parents by the way! Deeply rooted in the Catholic traditions (predominant religion in France), this holiday - or Jour Férié - remains a popular celebration amongst French people, calling for family gatherings and an entertaining Egg Hunt.
Given the French culture and history, Pâques has been one of the most important public holidays in France. Actually, both Christians and nonbelievers commemorate Jesus Christ's resurrection (more or less religiously), especially as the Easter Monday - Lundi de Pâques - is a national bank holiday. Easter three-day weekend is indeed the opportunity to spend time in family, go for a Paris break or simply enjoy some delicious French food. Roasting leg of lamb with green beans and potatoes is one of the classics of Easter meal. As every village or town in France boast - at least - one church in France, it is not surprising to hear the well-known bells ringing out on Easter Day all over the country to celebrate Jesus' resurrection. According to the tradition, children are told that the bells come back from Rome and deliver their eggs on Easter morning. The trick consists in hiding all pretty chocolate eggs, rabbits or hens - to give but a few - in the garden while the kids are staring up to catch a sight of the so-called returning bells! Every year, pastry makers and chocolatiers (chocolate makers) create modern mouth-watering eggs and rabbits. Some of these treats look so much like works of art that French people like to stroll along the streets and admire pâtisseries' windows - a real pleasure for the eyes. Let's go to France for the next Easter day then! The original religious roots of the Easter day tending to vanish, the French Fete de Paques is now given almost as much magic as Christmas feasts.

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