8. Adult Education in France - GRETA

There are various approaches to adult education in France, some more formal than others.

At a more informal level, within each commune you are likely to find local associatations that offer courses or training and others may be organised at a regional level by your Conseil Regional.

Ask at your local mairie for more information on local associations.

The formal adult aducation service in France is run through an organisation called GRETA.

GRETA (GRoupements d’ETAblissements) is a national network of public and adult education centres. There is at least one GRETA branch in each county.

If you are interested in adult education classes you should consult the local branch of GRETA located in your département.

They offer a multitude of education and training opportunities, although specific opportunities will depend on the resources of the centres and level of demand in your area.

A fee is payable for most courses, but they are generally very reasonable and if you are in financial difficulty assistance can be provided.

Another useful network of education and training is that of AFPA, the Association nationale pour la formation professionnelle des adultes.

Accordingly, the focus of its activities is to assist people into employment or to develop the skills and competences of those already employed.

If you are registered unemployed the French employment agency ANPE may well guide you to AFPA to seek a training placement.

You do not need to be in receipt of unemployment benefit to register with ANPE.

Their web site is particularly good at providing information on the training qualifications for different professions and trades and the training courses available.

Some of the courses are run on a distance basis.

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