10. Starting Works on Site - Declaration d’Ouverture du Chantier (DOC)

Once you have obtained planning consent, and you propose to start construction work, then you need to notify the planning authority.

You are required to send to them a notice of commencement of building works called a Déclaration d’Ouverture du Chantier (DOC).

You can download the form at Déclaration d'ouverture de chantier.

You will need to send one copy of the DOC to the mairie and one copy to the DDE.

Commencement of works can be defined as the arrival of materials and the erection of site fencing, as well as actual construction work itself.

You have two years to start the works, which can be extended by one year, provided the application is made at least two months prior to the expiry of the planning consent.

Once started, you are obliged to regularly proceed with the works, although enforcement of slow progress is generally not heavy handed.

The works programme can be interrupted for no longer than one year, failing which the planning permission is deemed to have been rescinded.

Next: Completion Notice

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